2. května 2014 | About us


Corruption is a special case of theft. Your public official may be a thief if he has taken bribe, he has stolen public money and your taxes. Any public servant who accepts a bribe becomes a thief who steals from public assets and our taxes. A coward will quietly condone and will not want to hear. But with courage we can stand against corruption even though we risk our cozy existence. Financial and moral support for the brave champions of significant public cases is the centre point of the agenda of the Anticorruption Endowment. Financial and moral support by brave men and women pointing at significant public cases forms the essence of the work of the anti-corruption support by the brave proponents that blow the whistle when they see foul play on significant public cases that are the main focus of the Anticorruption Endowment. We shall

  • Support and enhance the building of ethical values of a democratic society;
  • Assist the exposure of corrupt practices in public administration;
  • Support projects to expose corrupt practices;

Corruption of significant economic impact  signified fund embezzlement nearing at least a million crowns.

The Anticorruption Endowment gears its activities towards the following areas:


