4. října 2019 |

Protikorupční akademie v rámci Festivalu svobody

The Anticorruption Endowment (NFPK) organised an Anticorruption Academy today at the Automotive and Information Technologies Secondary School in Prague’s Hostivař borough, for the first time as part of the Freedom Festival, held by the organisations Post Bellum (Memory of the Nation), Díky, že můžem and Nerudný fest.cz.

At the workshop, students learned the basics about corruption and received a historical overview of the issue from the foundation of Czechoslovakia to the years of the ‘Wild East’ and ending with the situation today.

They also learned where one might most likely encounter corruption and how to fight it as a member of the public. At the same time, they were acquainted with the story and the experiences of Jakub Čech, an activist and the youngest whistleblower ever to be awarded the NFPK Courage Prize. As the highlight of the workshop, the students worked in teams to discover how to make a freedom of information request correctly.

The event was a success and we are preparing another workshop at the school.

The Anticorruption Endowment is the fully independent initiative of a group of people who are fundamentally opposed to the high incidence of corruption in public administration. Our objectives include uncovering corruption in public life and supporting projects that are involved in revealing corruption.

For more about the educational project of NFPK Anticorruption Academy, please visit www.protikorupcniakademie.cz.

Contact: Karel Škácha, NFPK director, tel.: +420 602 681 513, e-mail: karel.skacha@nfpk.cz