10. prosince 2012 | Prize for Courage

Martin Konečný

NFPK Prize for Courage 2012 - 300 000 CZK

Presidential pardons granted by Václav Klaus have been marred by a series of nonstandard circumstances. Former Senior Consultant of the Psychiatric Ward of Ostrov Hospital Martin Konečný knows what he is talking about. His patient—Police Officer Radka Kadlecová—was convicted of accepting bribes from foreign nationals seeking permanent residence in the Czech Republic. During a routine health check, Ms  Kadlecová intimated Dr Konečný that “a pardon had been procured on her behalf and a multimillion-crown bribe paid to the President and his aides”.
Martin Konečný acted as required by the penal code and contacted anticorruption police. Retaliation was quick to come. His supervisors indicated to him that his “remaining in the post is associated with risks for the ward and hospital”.  No one told him, however, what specific risks would be entailed. In due course he was forced to give up his position of senior consultant and sign an agreement on terminating his employment.


Radka Kadlecová bragged about the “procured clemency” also to the Mayor of Chyše near Karlovy Vary, Miroslav Dorňák who, acting in good faith, pleaded on Ms Kadlecová’s behalf in a letter to Prague Castle. Kadlecová later told Dorňák that his letter would be only formally needed for purchasing a presidential pardon. He also went public with his experience at a later date.

It must be stressed that Dr. MUDr. Martin Konečný acted out of respect for the law of his country and delivered on his duty, as required by the law. In the event he lost his job and found himself facing dire financial problems.

“Mr. Konečný’s bold indication of corruption in the highest echelons of power served as evidence that courageous people live in our midst. They prefer the course of justice to personal comfort, although they know that their action will invite attacks from the ranks of thieving characters,” Karel Janeček said on behalf of the Anticorruption Endowment.

The Anticorruption has decided to award Martin Konečný with a Prize for Courage, designed for the people who do not fear to blow the whistle on corrupt practices. The prize carries a premium of 300,000 CZK.