23. března 2011 | Prize for Courage

Libor Michálek

NFPK Prize for Courage 2011 - 500 000 CZK

Libor Michálek is arguably the best-known Czech whistleblower. He reported corrupt practices at the Czech State Environment Fund and faced serious consequences for that.

Soon after becoming director of the institution in August 2010 he found himself under pressure in connection with especially the selection of consulting services, manipulation of public contracts on the delivery of a sewerage plant and intentional deposition of funds in exchange for political party sponsorship.

At first Libor Michálek shared his suspicions with Radek John, who advised him to contact the media. Later he contacted Prime Minister Petr Nečas, who informed Pavel Drobil about Libor Michálek’s activities.

In this situation Libor Michálek decided to make incriminating recordings of conversations with Minister Pavel Drobil’s advisor Martin Knetig and the minister himself. In December 2010 he forwarded the recordings and other evidence to the police and handed over the two most crucial tapes to the media.

Publication of the case had far-reaching consequences. Details about the cause are available in an in-depth analysis presented here.