Definice korupce
Corruption is the abuse of position or powers in politics and public administration in order to win undeserved private profit and – at least in the view of the Anticorruption Endowment (NFPK) – it is the worst form of theft: a theft which turns to be a socially acceptable “crime without a risk”.
This socially virulent phenomenon has yet to be immediately recognized by the Czech legal system. However, corrupt practices are rendered criminal in Part II, Chapter 10 of the Criminal Code (Act 40/2009 Coll.) entitled: “Criminal acts against the order of public affairs”.
They are in particular criminal acts in accordance with:
- § 331 Accepting bribe
- § 332 Bribery
- § 333 Indirect bribery
- § 334 Common provisions (defining the expressions “bribe”, “person in authority” and “procurement of items of general interest”).