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"Have no fear and do not steal, never steal without fear."
The fundamental vision of the Anticorruption Endowment is a state of affairs in which society would perceive corruption as a crime and treat corrupt elements accordingly. In such state of affairs, corruption will not be the standard but an abominable departure from normal and this view will be upheld not only by the bodies of executive and judicial power but also by citizens.
The degree of societal prestige enjoyed by thieves and other persons, who do not earn money through legal channels, is truly deplorable. Opulent parties where influential politicians shake hands with malvenoms have become a normal occurrence. It is a shame for all of us, including those who mind but tolerate corruption.
The Anticorruption Endowment supports citizens who refuse to reconcile themselves with corruption. We support people with high ethical standards, capable of speaking out on corrupt practices. We offer financial support to whistleblowers, the courageous men and women who are not deterred by personal risks and do not allow known thieves to happily go on thieving. They are not afraid to call a theft a theft. They blow the whistle on thievery. Corrupt elements will come to grief if there are more people of character and determination.